(Chismoseando) This weekend begins with the exhibition of Malaga in the Spanish involving David Bustamante and Putsycatdolls. In the United States billboard film premieres this week: Tropic Thunder, Fly Me to the Moon 3-D, Mirrors, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, A Girl Cut in Two, Henry Poole Is Here, Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer, In Venezuela, for its part the billboard offers the following options: Apariciones, Batman: El caballero de la noche, Camino a la redención, Hancock , Kung Fu Panda, La conspiración, La guerra de los Clones, La Momia: La Tumba del Emperador, Noche de graduación sangrienta, Se busca, Sexo en la ciudad, Tripulación de Dave, WALL-E.