(Los Tiempos.com, Efe) The Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin has joined with a policy of fait accompli and without known couple, fashionable parents by being doubly so many joys is giving fans of the show business in 2008 . The official note by the representatives of the interpreter of "Livin 'La Vida Loca" today announced to the world that Ricky Martin was the father of twins "in recent weeks" by the method of "surrogate", namely that a woman has rented his belly. So far nothing is known about children unless they are well cared for and their "proud and happy father, who will leave the stage what remains of year to exercise his paternity. A mother of twins don’t mentioned in the statement. Another magazine, Vea, Puerto Rico, tomorrow will publish a report of journalist Damaris Quinones about the paternity of Ricky Martin that adds a little salt to aseptic reported by the representatives of the artist. Ricky Martin, 36 years old, is "dedicated heart and soul into their children," according to the unidentified source. The publication notes that Martin allegedly contacted a company dedicated to caring for people who want to have children using the subrogation and may have paid 10,000 dollars for the task. The mother of children doesn’t know that their children will be with the artist. "Here there was no mom, because it was conceived by rented womb, where women do not know who is the father and the father has never seen the woman. Ricky is fascinated with this aspect and best of all is that it is aware that will always be with their children, "the source told the magazine in an interview published earlier in the same journal Martin said:" I want sons and a stable life. To get to my house and open the door I encountered with toys and a shower of children. "Ricky Martin's concern for children and young people led him to create in 2000 a foundation that bears his name and develops programmes against child exploitation and dissemination of children's rights, among others.